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TSC Promotions and Salaries 2021

TSC Promotions and Salaries 2021; Latest TSC Salaries and New T-Scale for Classroom Teachers Promoted by the Commission in 2021

TSC Promotions and Salaries 2021; Latest TSC Salaries and New T-Scale for Classroom Teachers Promoted by the Commission in 2021 TSC Promotions 2021: The Teachers Service Commission, TSC recently released the anxiously awaited for Promotions Results for TSC teachers who attended the advertised TSC Promotions Interviews in February 2021. Among the 2021 promoted cohort are slightly over 6000 classroom teachers who have stagnated in Job group L currently referred to as C3 without administrative roles. 2017-2021…

TSC promotions 2022/2023 Results, New Salaries for Diploma Teachers

TSC promotions 2022/2023 Results, New Salaries for Diploma Teachers  TSC promotions for diploma teachers with higher qualifications 2022 The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will soon embark on promoting P1 teachers with degree qualifications to junior secondary schools. This is in line with the TSC promotion guidelines contained in the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement, CBA signed by teachers' unions at the end of the previous CBA. Keep it Here for all verified news on TSC Promotions 2022-2023. TSC Promotions…