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tsc administrative promotions 2021

TSC Promotions 2021; Full List of Senior Teachers and Masters Promoted, Upgraded to Grade C4  in 2021 plus their Respective Schools

TSC Promotions 2021; Full List of Senior Teachers and Masters Promoted, Upgraded to Grade C4  in 2021 plus their Respective Schools Release of 2021 TSC Promotion Letters: The release of the 2021 TSC Promotions Letters is a done deal after several TSC County directors delivered them to teachers who attended promotion interviews in December and February this year. New TSC Promotion Criteria: The good news is that Classroom Teachers who have been successfully upgraded to higher Cadres, job groups have got every reason to…

TSC Promotion Lists and Letters Per County 2021; How to Confirm your TSC Promotion Status in 2021

TSC Promotion Lists and Letters Per County 2021; How to Confirm your TSC Promotion Status in 2021 Interview Results for Promotions of TSC employed teachers above common Cadres have been released. Consequently, teachers who were shortlisted to attend the February 2021 TSC Promotions Interviews at the various TSC County Offices where vacancies were established are set to receive letters Confirming their Promotion Status as schools reopen. 2021 TSC Promotions Lists per County  The Teachers Service Commission, TSC has…

TSC Promotions 2021; Commission Calls off Promotions for Diploma Teachers, sets new interview dates, find out why

TSC Promotions 2021; Commission Calls off Promotions for Diploma Teachers, sets new interview dates, find out why TSC promotions 2021- The Teachers' employer, Teachers Service Commission, TSC, has put off the scheduled Interviews for diploma teachers promotions 2021 and set new dates. This move follows a public outcry and the outpouring of complaints from the affected teachers who would have missed out on this golden opportunity for a possible pay rise. The afore-mentioned diploma teachers are qualified and…