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KCSE 2020 Top Schools

2020 KCSE Top 10 Schools Overall; List of KCSE 2020-2021 Top(10) Schools as per their 2020-2021 Mean Scores

KCSE Results 2020-2021 Top 10 Schools; Full list of KCSE Top performing and best ranking secondary schools in Kenya The Education Cabinet Secretary Professor George Magoha officially released the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE results on Monday, May 10, 2021. In this write-up, we have provided a comprehensive analysis of the recently released KCSE 2020-2021 Results. Here is a comprehensive list of the 2020 KCSE top ranking and best performing secondary schools in Kenya; School Name, 2020 KCSE Mean…

KCSE Results Now Ready as Examiners Start Clearing from Knec Marking Centres; Expect Results as from Friday (This is how you can receive…

KCSE Results Now Ready as Examiners Start Clearing from Knec Marking Centres; Expect Results as from Friday (This is how you can receive your official KCSE 2020 Knec Results) Latest news reaching our newsdesk this afternoon on the awaited for release of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE 2020 national exams indicate that the necessary measures have been undertaken to meet the May 10,2021 deadline set by the Education Ministry. This is after reliable sources-KCSE 2020 Knec examiners revealed that the…