Knec Examiners Training 2023; Dates and Venues
Click Here to check available Knec Training vacancies for 2023 examiners.
Owing to a few cases of unrest and riots by KCSE examiners over poor and constant Knec payment rates, the Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) is obliged to train more Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education KCSE examiners annually as a fall-back plan in case things go south. For instance, in January 2023, the council had to obtain details of trained CRE paper 1 examiners from its data bank to replace disgruntled examiners who had exited marking mid-way.
TheKnec Examiners Training 2023 will also address shortage of examiners in selected subjects.
Knec Examiners Training 2023 Target Group
1. | Announcement of Knec Examiners’ Training | Untrained Teachers | 2023 |
2. | Application for Knec Examiners’ training | Untrained Teachers | 2023 |
3. | Training of Knec Examiners | Untrained Teachers | 2023 |
4. | Awarding of Certificates to trained examiners | Trained teachers | 2023 |
5. | Knec invitation for the marking of 2023 KCPE and KCSE | Examiners | 2023 |
The 2023 Knec Training for examiners targets fresh teacher graduates, teacher interns and TSC-employed tutors in primary and secondary schools.
KNEC Examiners Training Dates and Venues 2023
Training of Knec examiners lasts seven days. In 2022, the Knec Examiners training was conducted between 18th September and 24th September. Be on the look-out for the KCSE examiners’ training dates in 2023. Click HERE to check once Knec announces.
The training requires trainee examiners to live within designated training venues. The exercise is therefore residential.
Knec Examiners Training Fee 2023
Training of examiners is not a charitable venture. Examiners must part with Kshs. 10, 500 per paper. This amount is exclusive of fare and other miscellaneous expenses incurred outside the designated training centres for examiners.
The aforementioned amount luckily takes into account accommodation and food.
How to apply for KNEC examiners training 2023 (Simplified procedure)
- Access the Knec examiners portal using the link
- Those with Cp2 accounts and passwords, should log in to the portal using their usernames and passwords.
- Those without passwords should click on reset password button and enter their mobile number in the format 2547******** and submit to get their usernames and passwords.
- Those without Cp2 account, click on create account and follow the instructions to create your profile.
- Upon successful log in, complete your personal profile and save. On the dashboard click on apply for training and all the declared vacancies will be available for the trainees to choose.
General requirements for all the trainee examiners
1. Must be a practising teacher in the relevant subject areas at the level of examination
2. Must be registered and/or employed by the Teachers Service commission
3. Have a minimum qualification of P1 or KCPE examination with a minimum of a C (plain)
4. Must have a Diploma in Education and above
5. Have a minimum teaching experience of three 3 years
6. Must NOT be on interdiction or any other form of disciplinary action from the TSC
7. Must be recommended by his/her head of institution
8. Must be 50years of age and below.
9. Applications should reach KNEC on or before 31 August, 2022. KCPE EXAMINATION KNEC EXAMINERS APPLICATIONS
Primary school teachers to train as KCPE examiners in the following papers:
1. English Composition 901/1
2. Kiswahili Insha 902/1