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Knec Examiners Pay 2023 Processing Status: Release of exam markers pay

Knec Examiners Pay 2023 Processing Status: Release of exam markers pay

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Knec Examiners Pay 2023 Processing Status: Release of exam markers pay

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TSC Teachers Pay Back as they Reap Big By Having their Own in Parliament


The 2023 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examiners who marked the already released KCSE 2022 examinations have now demanded payment of their dues in two weeks.

This follows the delayed release of the examiners pay in spite of the fact that they honoured their part of the bargain and worked under immeasurable pressure to ensure the exam results are released in January 2023 as scheduled.

KUPPET Demands for the release of over 50,000 KCSE Examiners’ Pay

According to Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) national chairman Omboko Milemba, the more than 50,000 examiners are yet to receive their stipends two months down the line.

This is not the first time Knec is delaying to release examiners’ pay. Previously, the education cabinet secretary the late Professor George Magoha was forced to appear before parliament to expound and shed light on why the Council was yet to pay the KCSE markers.

Consequently, Kenyan teachers who are already demoralized are feeling misused and abused by the Council owing to the deplorable  conditions they are obliged to work under for the two-week marking period.


Mikemba said the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) should pay the dues by the end of this month failure to which they will storm the council’s office.


“The examiners are yet to receive their dues. This is despite the huge sacrifices the examiners made to serve their country in this critical assignment. The assignment came after a heavily-packed school year in which teachers hardly took a break from work,” said Milemba in a statement yesterday.


“We have given the examination council two weeks to settle the bills or face the teachers’ wrath. If the bills are not settled by the end of March, Kuppet will mobilise the examiners to occupy the KNEC head office,” he added.



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Milemba said that poor conditions have remained unaddressed for so long that examination marking has become a challenge for some of the country’s best teachers.


He also stated that the examiners often are pushed to employ different methods of protest before their grievances are addressed.


“Fair labour practices demand that workers who render their services should be paid commensurate with the work done and on time. The teachers performed their part of the agreement successfully, yet all they get in return is neglect,” he noted.

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Examiners who have children in school, he regretted, are struggling to pay fees during these hard economic times, yet the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) owes them money that would alleviate their suffering.


“The work itself is characterised by poor conditions including long hours, poor accommodation in students’ dormitories, poor diets and, above all, low pay,” he stated.



He said the KNEC dues are part of a ballooning ‘pending bills’ the government owes teachers for work done in ‘acting positions’ at all levels of responsibility, adding that teachers have provided the largest service to the government which remains unqualified pending bills.


“Given that teachers’ salaries are also low, having not been reviewed for three years, while others face acute stagnation in the same job group, the examiners have suffered enough and will not stomach any further delay of the payments from KNEC,” he said.



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