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KCPE 2020/2021 national exams marrred by labour pains


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KCPE 2020/2021 national exams marrred by labour pains

KCPE 2020/2021 national exams mirred by labour pains


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This year’s Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, KCPE, national examinations commenced with a fair share of drama after “Corona” babies decided to make their exit as their mothers were writing their final papers.

The situation saw a good number of dispensaries and hospitals converted into Knec examination centres for the KCPE candidates.

Details hitting our newsdesk indicate that at least 21 girls who sat their first papers yesterday gave birth before the exam period while others went into labour during the exams.

2020/2021 KCPE candidature

 1.2 million candidates are currently taking the tests, which were put off last year following the Covid-19 outbreak.

Number of KCPE pregnant candidates per county

Migori County recorded 208 teen  pregnancies during the KCPE 2020 national exams.

According to the Director of Education Ms Elizabeth Otieno , out of the 29,787 candidates who wrote their exams, 108 were pregnant girls.

This number encompasses school girls waiting to sit their final Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams starting next week.

In Homa Bay County, three KCPE candidates were rushed to local health facilities to deliver their babies.

Education officials have reiterated  that a pregnancy or delivery will not deter any girl from sitting the examination.

In Kisumu East, a 17-year-old pupil at Oyola Primary School delivered a baby moments before she sat her Mathematics paper.

The girl was allowed to write the exam at the health facility in Chiga, where she had been admitted since Sunday evening.

In Kericho County, a 17-year-old new mother was among 54,700 candidates who wrote their KCPE exams yesterday.

The girl sat her Mathematics and English papers at the maternity ward in Kericho County Hospital as her twins were being managed at the new-born unit next door.

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In Mwingi North, Kitui County, five female candidates wrote their exams at different health facilities where they were admitted with labour pains.

According to a police report, one of the girls, a candidate at Wikithuki Primary Schoo, delivered at Mumoni Nursing Home where she had been admitted to in the morning. Although weak, she was able to go on with her exams.

Two other candidates were admitted to Tseikuru sub-county Hospital – one from Mwangea Primary School and another from Kyamalutu Primary School.

In Kyuso sub-county, two candidates were admitted to Kyuso sub-county hospital awaiting to deliver. They were able to write their exams from the labour wards under the close watch of medical officers.

In Trans Nzoia County, two girls were rushed to the Kitale County Hospital with labour complications.

One of the girls, a pupil at Suam Primary School, had a pre-mature delivery last month and is admitted to the facility after she developed complications.

The other girl is from a school in Tongaren Constituency in Bungoma County and is expected to deliver any time.

Three girls at Toll Station Primary School gave birth recently.

Centre Manager Carolyne Ngaira said the candidates were counselled before sitting the exams.

“We have three girls who delivered days ago and are in high spirits after we counselled them before taking their exams. We hope they are going to post good results,” Mrs Ngaira told The Standard.

Two other candidates delivered minutes before the start of the examinations in the North Rift.

One of the candidates gave birth to a baby girl in Nandi County about two hours to the tests, while the second delivered at 7.30am in Uasin Gishu County. They went on to sit the examinations.

Country Education Director Zachary Mutuiri said Nandi County is one of the regions that recorded the highest number of teen pregnancies during the long Covid-19 break.

Noting that out of 3,500 primary girls who were found impregnated, over 200 are sitting their KCPE.

In the neighbouring Uasin Gishu, a candidate at Asururiet Primary School also gave birth to a girl at 7.30am.

County Director of Education Gitonga Mbaka said the girl was in good condition and she sat yesterday’s papers without any difficulty.

Source: The Standard

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