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Jomo Kenyatta University of Science and Technology (JKUAT) KUCCPS Admission Portal, List and Letter 2023/2024

JKUAT Kuccps 2023/2024 admission List, letters Portal (JKUAT University Admission Letter Portal) JKUAT University Kuccps admission List, letter, Portal 2023-2024 (JKUAT University Admission Letter Portal) Did you know that Kuccps has released placement results for KCSE 2022 candidates this year? Click here to access the Kuccps admission List and Letters portal for JKUAT University this year. JKUAT University Kuccps admission List, letters 2023-2024 (Egerton University Admission Letter Portal)  S/N University/College JKUAT University Admission letter Kuccps Results Kuccps Placement List Official Reporting Dates  1. JKUAT University Click Here to access JKUAT University Kuccps Portal and download your admission letter Click Here to check your Kuccps admission results  Click Here to check Kuccps Placement List of JKUAT University by April 2023 JKUAT University Courses, Contacts, Admissions and Kuccps Portal. JKUAT University Courses, Contacts, Admissions and Portal.JKUAT university premises JKUAT UNIVERSITY KUCCPS PORTAL JKUAT UNIVERSITY PORTAL. Follow this link to download your Kuccps admission letter quickly; JKUAT University Kuccps Admission Letters For all Kuccps admissions letters and lists visit; Kuccps online admissions portal  How to check kuccps 2023/2024 degree and diploma placement results  Kuccps has finally activated its portal for 2022 KCSE candidates to confirm their  placement and admission status. Click here to check the 2023/2024 Kuccps placement results. The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) is mandated with the responsibility of placing students to higher institutions of learning; Universities, Colleges, Polytechnics and TVETs. KUCCPS is the Government of Kenya body that undertakes the selection of students for admission to higher learning institutions for Government sponsorship. After students have selected their courses, kuccps reviews and places them accordingly. Such students can then check their placement results, online, after the selection process. How to Check Course and University admitted to; KUCCPS 2023/2024 by using the student portal. For the 2022 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, KCSE, candidates, you can check for your placement results but after kuccps has finalized the selection process. After the announcement of the results, then use the procedure below to check placement results; Visit: http://students.kuccps.net/ Login with your details as follows; Username: (Use your full Index Number) Year: (2022) Password: (Use your Birth Certificate Number or KCPE index number) After login you should see a box like the one below with a message that reads “Congratulations, followed by the university you have been placed then finally the course you will pursue.” GETTING YOUR KUCCPS 2023 RESULTS THROUGH ONLINE PORTAL One of the surest ways of checking your admission results is by using the KUCCPS online portal. Proceed to use the procedure below to check your placement results; Visit: http://students.kuccps.net/ Login with your details as follows; Username: (Use your full Index Number) Year: (2022) Password: (Use your Birth Certificate Number or KCPE index number) After login you should see a box at the bottom of your dashboard, first page, with a message that reads Congratulations, followed by a university you have been placed then finally the course you will pursue. You can as well download your admission letter from this portal. Kuccps provisional placement results You wont be able to know the exact Course and University that you have been selected to join after the first application/ revision. After the first revision, KUCCPS will upload a list of students who would have not been placed. They will then be given a chance to carry out second revision. Before going through the long list of unplaced students, one can log onto the students’ portal at: https://students.kuccps.net Then, check on the dash board. For those who have been competitively placed, the following message would be shown; “You have provisionally secured one of your choices subject to approval by the Placement Service Board.” You wont be able to know the exact course and university. But, be sure that Kuccps has placed you to one of your preferred courses and university. If you do not see the message above, then it means you have to revise your course choices, here; KUCCPS Student portal login student.kuccps.net for 2023/2024 Admission Application, check placement results and download admission letter Get all the latest education news here; Education News Portal. KUCCPS 2023 RESULTS THROUGH SMS NOTIFICATION KUCCPS also sends an SMS to the phone number that you registered under your details in the student portal. The SMS contains your placement details and is sent once the placement results have been announced. Ensure that your line is on so as to receive the results. SMS NOTIFICATION KUCCPS also sends an SMS to the registered number with your placement details. This SMS is sent once the placement results have been announced. Remember, there are 3 periods provided for by kuccps in order to apply for courses of your choice. These include: 1). School application window: This is opened usually in October/ November for candidates to choose their courses, long before they sit for the KCSE exams. This is the best moment for you to apply for your course choices. This way, you stand a better chance of joining your preferred course and is also it is cheaper; you pay only Sh500. 2). KUCCPS first revision: First revision for degree and diploma choices will be on dates to be announced by placement service after the release of KCSE results. According to the placement agency, the application portal for first revision opened 3). KUCCPS second revision: Candidates who will not have qualified on competitive selection for any of their preferred choices during the first round of selection will be given a chance to do second revision by selecting courses with unfilled capacities. 4). Placement to any programme: Any applicant who fails to qualify for their choices but meet the cut off points for placement may be offered any course with unfilled capacities taking into account the minimum requirements for admission. KUCCPS Contacts Physical Location: ACK Gardens, 1st Ngong’ Avenue, Upperhill Nairobi Telephone : 020 5137400, 0723954927, 0734879662 Email : info@kuccps.ac.ke Postal Address: P. O. Box 105166 – 00101, Nairobi

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