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(Nairobi) TSC List of AON Minet Hospitals, Offices, Managers and their Contacts per County and Region- Nairobi County, Nairobi Region

AON Minet Hospitals in Nairobi by Newspro.co.ke

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(Nairobi) TSC List of AON Minet Hospitals, Offices, Managers and their Contacts per County and Region- Nairobi County, Nairobi Region

(Nairobi) TSC List of AON Minet Hospitals, Offices, Managers and their Contacts per County and Region- Nairobi County, Nairobi Region

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In the spirit of better service delivery to Kenyan Teachers, the official contracted teachers’ health care insurance provider dubbed AON Minet has provided a full list of hospitals for TSC employed teachers.

In Nairobi County, all sub-counties have got at least two TSC AON Minet affiliated hospitals contracted to offer health services including in-patient, out-patient, dental, maternity, or optical.

AON Minet Hospitals for teachers in Nairobi

Some of the AON Minet Hospitals for teachers in Nairobi County include Kenyatta National Hospital, Karen Hospital, Oasis Limited Adams, Nairobi Mental Health Services, MedicrossMedical Centre Kawangware, Bliss Medical Centre Kibera, Nairobi Hospital, Nairobi West, Nairobi Radiotherapy, and cancer center, Komarock Modern  Healthcare among others

Nairobi county takes the lead when it comes to the highest number of AON Minet contracted hospitals for TSC Teachers in Kenya owing to its large population followed by Nakuru County

In this write-up, we will provide a fully detailed list of all TSC AON Minet affiliated hospitals in NairobiCounty, services offered, office location for AON Minet managers, and their contact details in case you experience any hitches in the process of seeking medical attention.

AON Minet Hospitals offering Referral Services  in Nairobi

Kindly note that all AON hospitals in Nairobi County do offer direct services save for Fertility Point Ltd, Lions Sightfirst Eye Hospital, Kenyatta National Hospital, Karen Hospital, Nairobi Ent, Nairobi Mental Services, Nairobi Radiotherapy, and Cancer Center, Nairobi Audiology Center, Bliss Medical Center Teleposta, The Aga Khan University Hospital, Oasis Health Specialty Hospital-Mental and Chiromo Lane Mental Hospital which have the ability to offer referral services.

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Here is the Full list of  AoN Minet Hospital Facilities for teachers in Nairobi County: Hospital Name, Location, and Services Offered

No hospital in both Kasarani and Dagoretti North sub-counties is offering Maternity services.

Dagoreti NorthNgong RoadOasis Nairobi Limited AdamsDirectOP
Dagoreti NorthUpperhillNairobi Mental Health ServicesReferralOP/IP
Dagoreti NorthUpperhillNairobi EntReferralOP/IP
Dagoreti NorthUpperhillMediheal Hospital UpperhillDirectOP
DagorettiDagorettiBliss Medical Centre  KiberaDirectOP
DagorettiKawangwareMedicross Medical Centre KawangwareDirectOP/Dental
DagorettiUpperhillNairobi Radiotherapy & Cancer CentreReferralOP/IP
DagorettiUpperhillNairobi HospitalReferralOP/IP
DagorettiUpperhillKenyatta National HospitalReferralOP/IP
DagorettiUpperhillLions Sightfirst Eye HosptialReferralOP/IP
DagorettiUpperhillFertility Point LtdReferralOP/IP
Dagoretti NorthHurlinghamBliss Medical Centre  Day Star Valley RoadDirectOP
EmbakasiBee Centre Spine RoadBliss Medical Centre  UmojaDirectOP/Optical
EmbakasiKomarockKomarock Modern Healthcare KomarockDirectOP/IP/MAT
EmbakasiMombasa RoadBliss Medical Centre  PanariDirectOP
EmbakasiMowlemMikulinzi Nursing HomeDirectOP/IP/MAT
EmbakasiPipelineBliss Medical Centre  PipelineDirectOP
EmbakasiUmoja_Wanandege PlazaBliss Medical Centre  EmbakasiDirectOP/Dental/Optical
EmbakasiUtawalaReale Hospital -UtawalaDirectOP/IP/MAT
EmbakasiUtawalaKomarock Modern Healthcare UtawalaDirectOP/IP/MAT
Embakasi CentralKayoleSt Patrick Health Care CentreDirectOP/MAT
KamukunjiEastleighMediheal Hospital EastleighDirectOP/IP/MAT/Dental
KamukunjiEastleighAnka HospitalDirectOP/IP/MAT/Dental
KamukunjiHailesalasieBliss Medical Centre  Haille SelasieDirectOP/Dental/Optical
KamukunjiIndustrial AreaBliss Medical Centre  EnterpriseDirectOP/Dental/Optical
KasaraniKahawa WestOptex Opticians Limited Kahawa WestDirectOptical
KasaraniThika RoadOptex Opticians Limited Mountain MallDirectOptical
LangataKarenKaren HospitalReferralOP/IP
LangataLangataBliss Medical Centre  MFIDirectOP
LangataLangataMedicross Medical Centre Langata Clean ShelfDirectOP/Dental
LangataNairobi WestBliss Medical Centre  Nairobi WestDirectOP/Dental/Optical
LangataNairobi WestNairobi West HospitalDirectIP/OP
MakadaraBuruburuBliss Medical Centre  BuruburuDirectOP/Dental/Optical
MakadaraJogoo RoadBliss Medical Centre  Jogoo RoadDirectOP/Dental
MakadaraSouth BSouth B Hospital LimitedDirectOP/IP/MAT
RoysambuDykaan College Kahawa WendaniBliss Medical Centre  GithuraiDirectOP/Optical
StareheCBDNairobi Audiology CentreReferralOP/IP
StareheHurumaJumuia Hospital HurumaDirectOP/IP/MAT
StareheKoinange Street CbdBliss Medical Centre  College HouseDirectOP/Dental/Optical
StarehePanganiNzoia Nursing Home PanganiDirectOP/IP/MAT
StareheParklandsHCGCCK Cancer CentreReferralOP/IP
StareheStareheBliss Medical Centre  TelepostaDirectOP/Dental
StareheParklandsThe Aga Khan University Hospital NairobiReferralOP/IP
WestlandsParklandsMediheal Hospital ParklandsDirectOP/IP/MAT/IVF
WestlandsWestlandsBliss Medical Centre  WestlandsDirectOP/Dental/Optical
WestlandsWestlandsOptex Opticians Limited WestlandsDirectOptical
Peponi RoadOff Peponi Road, KitisuruOasis Health Specialty Hospital (Mental)ReferralOP/IP
WestlandsWestlandsChiromo Lane Mental HospitalReferralOP/IP


AON Minet Kenya Limited Office Locations and Mobile Numbers for Managers in Nairobi County, Nairobi Region

In the process of accessing medical services, teachers may experience a few technical hitches such as delayed approval for the medical services being sought.

For instance, you may wait for over one hour to have your request for medical services or medication approved.

Sometimes you may need more specialized care that is not available in the facility where you have been admitted for treatment.

This is why you must have the list of contacts for regional and county managers for easier follow-up.

Below is the full list of TSC AON Minet Managers in Nairobi County and their Contact Information



Location Town e-mail




John MutukuRegional



0740048834Minet House, Mamlaka Road off Nyerere Road-NairobiNairobijohn.mutuku@minet.co.keHead OfficeNakuruRift Valley
James MwangiCare Manager0701175247Minet House, Mamlaka Road off Nyerere Road-NairobiNairobijames.mwangi@minet.co.keHead OfficeNairobiNairobi
Sarah MulatyaCare manager0793249293


Minet House, Mamlaka Road off Nyerere Road-NairobiNairobisarah.mulatya@minet.co.keHead OfficeNairobiNairobi
RegionalNakuruRift Valley

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