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40 more Teachers Deregistered in March 2020 by TSC: Below is a complete list of all teachers Deregistered by the Teachers Service Commission as of March 2020 and a list of TSC offences that could land teachers in trouble


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40 more Teachers Deregistered in March 2020 by TSC: Below is a complete list of all teachers Deregistered by the Teachers Service Commission as of March 2020 and a list of TSC offenses that could land teachers in trouble

In the year 2020, disregard for the TSC code of conduct and regulations has seen 40 more teachers exit service prematurely.

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Normally, a teacher is supposed to serve the Commission until s/he exits service either by choice for instance if they have found greener pastures, through natural attrition (death) or attainment of the mandatory retirement age-60 years.

However, the Commission has been dismissing and blacklisting teachers who either knowingly or unknowingly violate the TSC code of conduct and regulations that govern the behavior of TSC employees.

The code of conduct clearly stipulates how a teacher is expected to behave in and out of the school set up.

It also highlights forms of misdemeanor that are considered offensive by TSC and the punishment to be meted out in case a teacher or any other TSC employee commits it.

Below is a complete list of Deregistered teachers as of March 2020:

TSC List of Deregistered Teachers, March 2020

1. Idle Abdi Hazel  TSC Number-518757

2. Reuben Mutingi TSC Number- 532787

3. Hellen Khamali

TSC Number- 553071

4. Samson Ndeche

TSC Number- 478198

5. Stephen Barasa

TSC Number-371618

6. Andrew C. Chemwok

TSC Number- 429461

7. Ezra Kipkoech

TSC Number-562775

8. Paul Suuji

TSC Number-588980

9. Joel Ndirangu

TSC Number- 569501

10. Moses Murmet

TSC Number- 578962

11. David Yegon TSC Number- 606773

12. Jacob Musyoka

TSC Number- 580791

13. Joash Nyangora-

TSC Number- 709159

14. Johnson Kahindi TSC Number- 672960

15. Erick N. Omondi TSC Number- 514464

16. Salim Ali Ngozi TSC Number- 342501

17. Isaac Ndung’u TSC Number- 428839

18. Erastus Mwambole TSC Number- 369621

19. Sylvester Kundu TSC Number- 283677

20. Stephen Mutua M. TSC Number- 524442

21. Peter Mwaka TSC Number- 319339

22. Jeremia Ondara TSC Number-786601

23. Lucas Ochieng TSC Number- 602747

24. Hamandi Mwinyi TSC Number- 241801

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25. Samuel Ondiek TSC Number- 579367

26. James Gitonga TSC Number- 512272

27. Simon Njagi TSC Number 564282

28. Nathan Auka TSC Number- 574239

29. Joakim Nganga TSC Number- 281204

30. Antony Wahome TSC Number- 474448

31. Alex Thuita TSC Number- 549054

32. James Theuri TSC Number- 403669

33. Andrew Wafula TSC Number- 504207

34. Aggrey Chebulimo TSC Number- 512260

35. Evans N. Ndung’u TSC Number- 286360

36. Peterson Gitau TSC Number- 616443

37. Luke Mwaniki TSC Number- 225532

38. Walter Awich TSC Number- 489687

39. Peter Kamau TSC Number- 350318

40. David Ndereba TSC Number 312447



1. Having carnal knowledge with learners (Immorality)

Adolescents can be very tempting but teachers should be made aware of the fact that any child who is still wearing a school uniform is not ready for “deflowering.”

Some people may argue that some girls or boys have attained the minimum legal age hence they should be considered and treated like grown-ups.

Do not forget that whenever TSC is handling any CK cases involving teachers, it is the learner’s word against you. It is therefore advisable to keep off learners whether they consent to your ‘pleas’ or not.

Acts considered to be part of immoral behavior by TSC teachers include: having sexual intercourse with learners, sexual harassment, flirtation, exposing learners to pornographic materials, lesbianism, homosexuality/ sodomy and having love relationships with learners.

2. Teacher’s professional misconduct

Acts classified under professional misconduct include chronic absenteeism, desertion of duty, and negligence of duty.

Desertion of duty refers to when a TSC employed teacher absents himself or herself for 14 continuous days (without official written permission from the head or deputy’s head).

This offense also includes failure to report back to school for reposting after the expiry of a TSC teacher’s study leave, failure to report to your new station, or going for a study leave without being officially released.

Chronic absenteeism, on the other hand, refers to when a TSC employed teacher displays persistent or recurrent absence or lateness for duty.

Lastly, negligence of duty is a simple offense that can easily land a TSC employed teacher in trouble.

It involves the following: Deliberately neglecting any duty assigned or performing it carelessly, failing to teach all lessons on your time table, lack of professional documents such as lesson plans, schemes, and records of work, awarding undeserved grades to learners, failing to turn up for your duty as a T.O. D or M.O.D, failing to attend official school meetings and assemblies and failure to accompany students during official functions.

3. Conviction of a criminal offense

A TSC teacher can get interdicted if s/ he is found guilty (convicted) of a criminal offense, jailed, or given a non-custodial sentence since this renders the teacher in question “unfit” to continue serving as a teacher.

4. Infamous conduct in any professional respect
Infamous conduct by TSC teachers includes drunkenness or any form of intoxication during official TSC working hours, fighting in public or showing violence.

5. Insubordination
Insubordination can be simplified to mean disobedience/ undermining authority. Therefore, any act insinuating that a TSC employed teacher is undermining authority such as the head of a school, sub-county director or county director may lead to interdiction or dismissal by the TSC.

6. Forgery or impersonation (bribery and corruption)
If a TSC teacher provides fake signatures or stamps or obtains certificates and gets registered through fraudulent means then s/ he will be eligible for interdiction or dismissal.

Teachers who also engage in exam malpractices or misrepresent information can get interdicted or dismissed.

7. Embezzlement/ mismanagement/ misappropriation of school funds

Any TSC employed teacher should shun away from dipping his or her hands in the wrong cooking jar especially where school funds are involved.

Embezzlement refers to the fraudulent conversion of public funds and property into personal use.

Misappropriation, on the other hand, is the use of public funds for unauthorized/ wrong purposes.

Mismanagement is the handling of public funds or property in a manner likely to cause loss to the school.

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