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2023/2024 Knec Examiners Pay; Dates, Rates, and Possible Delays

Knec Examiners Training, Deployment and Contract 2023/2024 2023/2024 Knec Examiners Pay; Dates, Rates, and Possible Delays

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2023/2024 Knec Examiners Pay; Dates, Rates, and Possible Delays

Knec Examiners' Pay 2022-2023; Reasons why KNEC will Continue Delaying Examiners' and Contracted Professionals' Pay 2022-2023

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Knec Payment Dates and Rates for Examiners 2023/2024

The Kenya National Council is yet to pay examiners who marked KCSE examination papers in January 2023. When clearing from the Knec Marking Centres after completing the marking exercise, Knec paid KCSE examiners an advance at a standard rate of Kshs. 20,000 per examiner.

The three main examinations that weere manned and/or marked by examiners ie KPSEA, KCPE and KCSE have already been released with examiners still waiting with bated breath for the release of their pay.

The shocking revelation by Professor Njuguna Ndung’u shows that the public coffers are depleted and the government is cash strapped. This spells doom for Knec examiners who are still hoping against hope that the Council will pay them soon. The examiners who are yet to be paid by Knec encompass

1.Centre Managers28,408 Sh 2000 per day
2.Supervisors28,727 Sh 2,485 per day
3.Invigilators74,990 Sh 1,615 per day
4.Examiners42,000 Sh 45-77 per day

The examiners listed above will have to wait longer before their pay is disbursed since the government has been obliged to halt several projects. Even the counties will have to exercise the patience of a cobra before their shareable income is disbursed.

This delayed payment of Knec Examiners is contrary to the demands of  the parliamentary education and research committee which last year summoned former Education CS to appear before them within two weeks to answer to queries and other burning issues on Knec contracted Professionals’ pay.

According to Parliament, Knec had taken the joke too far since in spite of the harsh economic times, the Council seemed to be removed as heaven and indifferent to the plight of poor Kenyan teachers.

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The legislators for once showed sobriety by noting that the delayed payment is slowly but surely recurring and the government is allowing this issue to occur every single year which means it does not prioritize teachers like other personnel who get their payment on time.

KCPE managers are paid 500 shillings per day for four days, while their KCSE counterparts are paid the same amount for 18 days.

“Teachers, just like the rest of Kenyans are feeling the heat of the tough economic times. Delaying their payment means subjecting them to further economic turmoil,” noted the Members of Parliament.

Kenyan teachers are now disillusioned wondering when and how they will get their dues. They have already started raising complaints on various social media platforms.

These complaints come amidst the ongoing education reforms to close the teacher shortage gap across the country.

TSC is attempting to address the gap in teacher shortages in the country’s public junior secondary schools.

Knec Examiners Training, Deployment and Contract 2023/2024

Knec trains examiners to mark all the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) candidates’ scripts every year. The Knec Examiners training schedule was disrupted during the covid 19 pandemic season owing to the tight school calendar.

Last year, Knec trained teachers in the following areas: History and Government, Geography, Agriculture, IRE, Home Science and Biology among others.

1.History and Government311/1 & 311/2
2.Geography312/1 & 312/2
3.Christian Religious Education313/1 & 313/2
4.Islamic Religious Education314/1 & 314/2
5.Agriculture443/1 & 443/2
6.Home Science441/1 & 441/2
7.Computer Studies451/1
8.Biology231/1, 231/2 & 231/3


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1 Comment
  1. Raymond Chepwogen says

    KCSE results of your school

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