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List of KCSE 2023 Cluster Subjects


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List of KCSE 2023 Cluster Subjects: Check why Mathematics and Languages  are Pertinent in the new KCSE Knec Grading System


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KNEC news today: The Ministry of Education has introduced a new marking system for the KCSE 2023 exam. CS of Education Ezekiel Machogu announced that according to this new curriculum, only mathematics and one language subject (English, Kiswahili or Linguistics) language of Kenyan symbols) will be required for calculations of the average type.



In addition to these two compulsory subjects, KNEC (Kenya National Examinations Council) will check the candidates’ performance in the five subjects with the best performance. The change is expected to increase the number of students eligible to study university, college and TVET (technical and vocational education and training) programs at certificate and craft levels.



In the previous system, the average KCSE exam score was calculated based on five compulsory subjects divided into three groups:

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Mathematics, English, Kiswahili, two sciences and one humanities. The goal of this new grading system is to better accommodate learners’ interests and skills. It aims to ensure that students with specific interests in areas such as medicine or engineering are not prevented from qualifying for these courses simply because a subject is unrelated to the field. their chosen area decreased their overall average rating.



KCSE 2023 marking will be linked to maths and one language only




The focus is on the use of grading systems in national education systems for certification purposes and not just for placing students in higher education institutions. The focus is on reading, writing and numeracy skills, rather than just academic achievement.



This reform is part of a broader effort to address the limitations of the old 8-4-4 education system, which favored academics and rote learning, potentially limiting skills development. important and essential values ​​for personality formation. The new system is expected to be more comprehensive and responsive to students’ individual needs.




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